Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Trev & Me

Friends, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Bryan and I've had
contact outside of the twitters with our dear friend Trev over the
last year and a half or so.

Trev got in touch with me while I was at vigil with my mother last
year. Since then he's confided in me some information about himself,
his SSA (Same Sex Attraction), and things from his past. For that I
thank him immensely.

When the Tyler Clementi story broke and
I read Trev's reaction to what had happened, I
felt a stronger connection to him because I knew what he was going
through with the information he gave me. Learning what Trev has gone
through in the past, it's easy to see how that could have just as
easily been him years ago. I'm happy that never happened.

Trev has a heart of pure gold. So much so, if Glenn Beck or Ron Paul
were to find out about it, they would say something to the affect of

Now, unlike the case with Trev's friend Jason Australia, Trev did not reveal a "crush" on me. Which is cool,
since just because he's living with SSA doesn't mean he's
automatically sexually interested in every man. Just like even though
I do not have SSA, I'm not sexually attracted to each female.

Jason talks about male bonding. Trev has told me that it's sometimes
been difficult to hang out with other men and watch a football game or
something similar since he lacked a close male role model growing up
to solidify that kind of bond.

Recently in a conversation with Trev, he recounted how he could see
generations of family relationships setting him up for the childhood
wounds he carries. Children shouldn't have to pay for the sins of
parents and grandparents.

Trev has talked to me about what it's like to have an interest in
other close male friends. He has said it certainly is not easy for him
to live with the desire and urge to tell them and not to act upon it.
You might not know it from his online personality, but in conversation
Trev displays great self-control and adherence to his own philosophy
of abstinence.

My discussions Trev do not always involve talking about SSA or related
issues. We talk about random other stuff like anyone does; jobs,
movies, food, politics, and of course the thing that brought us
together in the first place... Red Eye.

Of course Trev was nervous about telling me a lot about himself, so in
turn I have shared my own stories so he doesn't feel like he's the
only one revealing so much. I figure that's what a good friend should
do: make sure that we can trust each other.

Trev is funny. He makes me laugh a lot and is a very close and dear
friend. His friendship and his trusting me has meant so much.

With that said all that said, I am thankful Trev is in my life and we
call each other friends.


  1. I think its great you guys have each other. Close friends are rare, the best treasure ever.


  2. Trev is indeed special.
